JavaScript Guide - Getting Started


The best way to try out Diez is by using our official template project which comes with everything set up for you. Head over to the Set Up guide if you haven't already scaffolded out a template project and example codebases.

Generate your Diez project's web SDK and serve it in hot mode

In the template project, you'll find a sample Diez project defined for you in design-language/src/DesignLanguage.ts and a sample web project consuming it in example-codebases/web.

From your Diez project root, run the following command to compile your Diez project's JavaScript SDK and serve it in hot mode.

  • yarn
  • npm
$ yarn start web
$ npm run start web

The effect of running this command is the same as running:

  • yarn
  • npm
$ yarn diez compile -t web
$ yarn diez hot -t web
$ cd ../example-codebases/web
$ yarn start
$ npx diez compile -t web
$ npx diez hot -t web
$ cd ../example-codebases/web
$ npm run start

If you take a look at the code in example-codebases/web/src/App.jsx, you'll find that the design tokens are used across the app in sections of the code like this:

<h2 className={styles.title}>{ds.strings.title}</h2>

As you can see, the app is directly consuming your design language!

Making Changes

Due to your Diez project being served in hot mode, any time you make changes to it, it will recompile on the fly.

For example, you can change the background color of the web app by modifying your design language's source of truth.

First, open design-language/src/DesignLanguage.ts in an editor of your choice. Look for the following block of code:

const strings = {
  title: 'Diez',
  caption: 'Keep your designs in sync with code',
  helper: 'Modify the contents of “src/DesignLanguage.ts” (relative to the root of the Diez project) to see changes to the design language in real time.'

In this example, the strings object maps semantic names to strings that are directly used in the app.

Change the contents of title to something of your choice, for example:

- title: 'Diez',
+ title: 'I <3 Diez!',

Go back to your browser and see the web app hot update! You can update and hot reload any value defined in your design language: strings, colors, images, fonts, etc.

Please see The Basics Guide for more information on how to compose and edit your design tokens.

Now you are ready to start! if you want to integrate Diez with an existing project, check out Integrating Diez with an existing web project (JavaScript)

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